Limpopo Boy Bujwa reveals why he has not been dancing with Makhadzi recently

Limpopo Boy-Bujwa, born Matome Robert Mahlatse Thoka is a dancer who hails from a small town of Botlokwa in Limpopo province. Together with his friend Rush Mabanana they are the most popular dancers in Limpopo. He has been dancing for Makhadzi for years now and he has managed to grow fan base .




On July when Makhadzi and crew left for Canada and UK respectively, fans realized that Limpopo Boy Bujwa did not go with them. It was Rush Mabanana who left with Makhadzi and the other recent dancers. People were wondering if Bujwa and Makhadzi were fighting or if they have parted ways.

He has now revealed the reason why he has not been dancing with Makhadzi recently . He said he is still busy. Some said he is busy with the ‘Red bull dance your style’ however he did not specify what he is busy with but did made them know he is busy.