Azwimmbavhi Rambuda, who plays the role of Mpho on SABC 2 drama Muvhango, shared a video on Instagram showing her wedding day. The video starts with the preparations where she’s seen getting her makeup done, and later shows at church where the service took place.
The wedding was attended by family and friends including Candy Magidimisa who play the role of Sharon Mukwevho on Muvhango. Candy looked like she was the maid of honor as she stood next to the bride and later held her bouquet while she was exchanging rings with the groom Lucky Litelu. Lucky wore a blue suit decorated with crystals while the bride wore a beautiful sheath white wedding dress with a little bit of feathers on top.
The couple has a beautiful love story because they got together when they were still young, they then had two kids and years later they are still committed to each other. This is something young lovers should look up to.