‘Don’t waste your words’: Did MaMkhize shade Sithelo’s GBV campaign?

MaMkhizeShauwn “MaMkhize” has vowed to “keep it going” as the grandmother of his two grandkids appeals for a permanent protection order against her son Andile Mpisane.

Sithelo Shozi began a petition on Change.org earlier this week, asking for assistance in obtaining “protection” against her baby’s father. In June, the Durban DJ reported that her ex-boyfriend hit her “frequently” in front of his family and friends.




However, MaMkhize has previously dismissed allegations of abuse by Sithelo as “false and defamatory.” She has also distanced herself from social media opinion that she is “protecting” her kid with her “money and prestige.”

While Sithelo’s gender-based violence (GBV) petition against Andile Mpisane collects signatures, MaMkhize continues to serve as president of the Royal AM football team.

Using Instagram, the soccer director updated her followers on her “football duties.”

MaMkhize also appeared to allude to Sithelo’s condition and refusal to answer in her caption. She wrote, “One thing about me is that I will constantly be on the move.”

She added her “quote of the day”: “Don’t spend your words on those who deserve your silence. Sometimes the most effective action is to say nothing at all.

In the meantime, Sithelo Shozi has updated her Change.org petition, which has received over 50,000 signatures.

She posted on her Instagram Stories, “Thank you to everyone who signed the petition. It has performed extraordinarily well and above our expectations. It will certainly serve its function”.

Sithelo, who has the support of GBV activists Women For Change and the ANC Women’s League, also alluded to the possibility of opposition to her campaign, but neither MaMkhize nor Andile’s names were mentioned.

She said, “I’ve realized how simple it is to say or encourage everyone to speak out about their past traumas or anything they may be experiencing in the present, but nobody prepares you for the reaction that follows.

Unfortunately, we are also a major contributor to the situation. We continue to make it difficult for people to communicate their stories and move on from their prior traumas. I, for one, will always be steadfast in my convictions and work to reduce the surrounding din.