SK Khoza lands new gig with The Black Door

Since SK Khoza has found himself a new job, it is appropriate to offer him congratulations.

The famous actor will be taking over the role of Sabelo in The Black Door, as it was just revealed that he will play the part.

Beginning on Monday, August 8, SK will be seen on the screen.







After having a tantrum online and having featuring him and an unnamed woman go public, SK has had a couple of tough months.

Well, he has secured a new deal, and the objective of Sabelo’s character is to expose the truth about Mam Reb’s ruthless nature. Additionally, viewers will be given the opportunity to connect with Boniswa as an emotional, spoiled, but real-life woman and mother.

SK as Sabelo will drive the story into avenues viewers have been questioning and thinking about, such as the story of Boniswa’s father / Mam Reb’s husband, as we get to experience The Black Door . SK as Sabelo will also drive the story into avenues viewers have been questioning and thinking about.