Mohale takes his parents to his gig at a club

Mohale Motaung takes his parents to groove with him. Mohale Motaung us celebrating his birthday tour and he is visiting different clubs and making appearances. Groove is a term used by the youngsters to describe a night club.




Mohale shared a picture of him and his parents at groove and said that his parents accompanied him to his gig. Mohale’s friend known as “Peace” said that Mohale actually brought his parents to groove. Not many youngsters would want thier parents with them at groove because they wouldn’t want their parents to see them dancing and having a good time.

Mohale’s fans on social media said that they loved this. People said that Mohale’s parents appear so warm and adorable in every picture. Mohale must have been on his best behavior at groove because his parents were there. Let me know down in the comments, what do you think about going to groove with your parents?!