Generations: Mazwi try to hide the truth to save someone he loves

Mazwi wants to stop Lelethu to stop investigating about Winston because Sphe told him the truth that she is the one who Killed Winston, so Mazwi confronted Lelethu and he told him to stop writing the story, because he wants to protect Sphe, so Lelethu is really worried because Mazwi does not have a rights to tell him what story he should right about or not writing about.




So Mazwi is trying to save Sphe, but he might make Lelethu not stopping to do investigations because he will notice that there is something that Mazwi is hiding,and Lelethu is working with Kabisa because he also wants to know the truth about Winston.

Remember Kabisa and Lelethu they don’t understand why Sphe gave Philane Magwaza her shares for free, so they suspect that there is something Phelani did for Sphe, so that is the reason why they want to discover the truth about why Winston suddenly disappeared and Sphe gave Phelani her shares for free.

And everyone knows that Phelani and Sphe were close planning about how are they gonna get Winston.