Famous Sangoma, Gogo Skhotheni To Take a Second Husband, Will The First Agree?

South Africa’s most famous traditional healer, Gogo Skhotheni is the talk of social media after she revealed that she is in the process of getting the second husband.

On social media platform Gogo Skhotheni is a well known Sangoma who personal names is Patricia Tumi Motsoeni Shange.

She currently has one husband, Monde and they have a beautiful baby girl. They met in Facebook, and here months of knowing each other she got pregnant.




The popular healer has a show on Moja Love and has revealed that she is in the process of getting the second husband.

There is a trailor video where the Gogo is heard telling her husband that her (Ancestor) demand her to take second husband. Her husband was them heard asking her if it’s he who want to take second husband or its her ancestor.

To watch the video clic here

We visited her Twitter account to see whether she has wrote about it or not. We found two tweets of which the first said she was praying not to get the third husband while the other said “yes Im getting the second husband.

Social media comments

“Look at the reaction of GogoSkhotheni ‘s husband when he was told about wife taking another husband, it’s the same feeling that women feels when men introduce polygamy in their marriage,” wrote Lucas Tladi.