Recently a beautiful lady named Nono Sandy instantly went viral after she posted a shocking tweet about her past emotional abusive relationship. She tweeted ‘I never had any issues with self esteem but my last relationship shook me to the core, that man hated me but i stayed with him for so long. He used to tell me I’m ugly and no one will ever like me, imagine at my old age starting to feel ugly’ she wrote.
Nono Sandy is a qualified intensive care and coronary nurse based in London, United Kingdom but the lady and raised in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe. Besides healing patients at the hospital, Nono enjoys spending quality time with her adorable daughter that lives with her in UK.
Sandy also tweeted ‘it’s not that i think I’m miss universe but i never viewed myself as ugly or had a negative body image. But my partner would say things with intentions of hurting my feelings and if I told him I’m hurtful he would recklessly say that’s not his problem because he did not mean to hurt my feelings that’s how he sees me.’ she wrote.
@KindomBilli replied with kind motivational words, he said ‘You are beautiful and deserve to be loved and treated like the queen you are. All the best hey and hope you find your true love’ he wrote.
Would you stay in a abusive relationship? Share your thoughts below at comments section.