Congratulations to Vuyokazi Vovo for making it up to DSTV Mzansi telenovela

Mzansi had been left speechless after seeing our very own beautiful Vovo appearing on the DSTV Mzansi telenovela screens.



This is the show that we had been all actually waiting for #SHORTANDSWEET. The show had just began and people are already fond of Vuyokazi Vovo. Vovo is carrying this whole show over her little shoulders and one can really tell that there is never a full moment for her.

The show it self includes Vovo , Skhumbuzo and Thandazani. Vovo is actually one of the Social Media influencer and a Comedian, who always brings smile to the public with her sweet personality.

Mzansi new reality show #Shortandsweet started yesterday on on the 7 July 2022 at 20:00. This show follows little people who are facing discrimination everyday and they are trying their best to overcome that and break all Barrie’s.

Social media response are really amazing and funny to read as they share how much they love Vovo and how they are looking forward to the show.