Khwezi set Pretty up on Friday when she sent her a message from an unknown number pretending to be Lehasa. Mapitsi jumps the gun and prints the news of Lehasa’s death. The news goes viral immediately, but few know what is happening.
When Pretty got there, Khwezi had just left and switched off Lehasa’s IV drip. Lehasa started convulsing everywhere and eventually flatlined.
I pretty much assumed he was dead and panicked, setting off a serious chain of events.
Firstly she called to tell Clement, who was with MaNtuli then. When she heard this, she suffered from angina and passed out.
Clement had to get help; the only place he could think of was Maputlas.
Secondly, Clement ran into the Maputla household and found Mapitsi and Meikie Maputla. He explained to them what happened, and Mapitsi immediately activated the Journalist 8n her. While Meike was helping to take MaNtuli to the hospital, Mapitsi started investigating Maphosa’s death. When Meikie returned from the hospital, Mapitsi posted the story, which immediately went viral
The Terminator
Lehasa is like a cat with nine lives, he was resurrected successfully by the doctors, and Malone Phomolo feels that security at Lehasa’s door is needed.
The story of Lehasa’s death is viral, and Khwezi feels victorious, celebrating in Lehasa’s house.
According to this week’s teasers, Khwezi will devise another plan but is devastated to learn that Maphosa lives.
The excellent news is that Lehasa will come to ask for the woman he loves, and we know who that is, right?
MaNtuli will throw Pretty’s clothes out because of the lies she has told and the fact that she has returned to Lehasa and is choosing him over them.
Guess who is making a comeback to Turf?
Leshole Mabitsela.
He is making a return from training as a soldier after his aviation career course failed.
Leshole’s big break has arrived!
Leshole’s big break has arrived! Image: Instagram/Skeem Saam
Leshole will have drama with a woman named Kgothatso, and it gets severe because of ups and downs.
Leshole was thrust into hardship when he was shot in the knee, and his father suddenly moved back to his family in the villages.