“Cyril Ramaphosa must go” is trending on twitter, see why.

it seems like people are tired to be under the rule of president Cyril Ramaphosa. A hashtag was trending this morning on twitter that he must go. People are saying that South Africa has become a toxic country under Cyril Ramaphosa. We have become the victims of a lying President.





It turns out that he’s been stealing money , some investigators got a tip off that there were dollars at his farm in Limpopo. They went there and they found the money but when they asked him about it , he says that he sold some of his cows. The story does not make sense at all. What has become of our country, why do we always fall under the wrong hands.

Youths complaining about those who have degrees but it doesn’t work for them . Going to school to further your studies in South Africa is a scam. Since Cyril became president , unemployment rate increased.

Ever since Cyril became president , food has become most expensive and I don’t wanna mention petrol. Countries that are getting petrol from our country , does not sell petrol high in their country.

Human trafficking has increased and the government is not doing anything about it.

There’s a lot going with Cyril Ramaphosa.