It is very important to stick to a theme. That shows that you can honor an invite. It is beautiful to see what people come up given a theme. It is not easy but it is needed. Awards and events are back which means people have the opportunity to dress up.
Jessica Nkosi is an award winning actress. She’s currently on The Queen where she stars as a villain, a different role from all the roles she’s played. This is the role that won her the award. She previously starred on Isibaya and Ayeye. She’s now the ambassador of Volvo and works with Samsung on a number of things.
She’s amongst the stars that attended the Durban July event. The theme was honey from the bee. And Jessica literally brought the honey with her dress. It is the colour of the honey and has a bow at back almost like a bee. Her dress suits her beautifully. She nailed this look.