Breaking News: Oscar Pistorius Met The Steenkamp Family For The First Time Since Prison

Oscar Pistorius was convicted of murder in 2015 and He was sentenced for 13 years and five months in prison for the murder of his wife Reeva Steenkamp. However, Oscar Pistorius has spent 8 years in prison and he should out on parole according to the South African law.



After spending 8 years behind bars, Oscar Pistorius has met the Steenkamp family yesterday and many people are wondering why?, some are already saying that Oscar Pistorius was meeting the Steenkamp because he seeks an apology as his tired of prison. Nevertheless, Oscar Pistorius has served 8 years behind bars and that’s already over half a sentence , according to the law of South African Oscar Pistorius should have been on parole by now.

It appears that Oscar Pistorius will be getting his parole any time soon after managing to secure a meeting with the Steenkamp family after so many years in prison. The Justice and correctional department says the meeting is part of a Victim-Offender-Dialogue process.