Pretty From #SkeemSaam Recently Left Mzansi Talking In Social Media After She Did This

Ma’Ntuli’s talent is on it’s level. She’s one of the best actresses, she deserves her flowers while she’s still breathing. Pretty’s family is really jeopardizing the case against her. MaNtuli is a typical black parent. Always extra soft on the boy child and harsh with the girl child. If it was Kwaito, she would not be like this.




Somwtimes we feel like Mantuli could put her feelings aside and be there for her daughter in her time of need. When Pretty becomes a Lawyer she will be expected to pay Black Tax and Mantuli will be demanding as ever forgetting how she treated her daughter.

Viewers are holding their breath for Lehasa to pull through yet we wanted Petersen to nail him and get justice for Fanie. SkeemSaam will be the end of most of us now we have to wait for Monday to see if Lehasa makes it. We all know that come Monday Lehasa will be alive. Pretty is truly Mantuli’s daughter the enemy can easily predictable them.

Mzansi now have to wait for Monday to see if Lehasa makes it best, soapy needs to look into playing Monday to Sunday. Khwezi is desperate for Lehasa to be dead and it’s not gonna happen. I wish her little Lehasanyana to not make it. Fans can’t believe that the same horrible Lehasa who everyone disliked got us in the corners of our sofas hoping that he wakes up.

Pretty knows exactly the devil she’s with but she still continues to move recklessly. That call doesn’t make sense shecalls reception and say they should let pretty in is this her office where she is is talking to her PA? Pretty should have informed Pomolo first so he stopped her.

Pretty looking like a female Sherlock Holmes, only the pipe is missing from her, she looks legit. The way Pretty is so blinded by love, she can’t even think straight. Lehasa using a nurse’s phone.