Did you know Umbuso actress Zinzi Zungu is a teacher in real life ?

Zinzi Zungu has been in the acting game for so long that she can be termed a mistress of her art. The actress’ talent is seasoned, and she has taken it seriously to prove her talent again and again in the entertainment circles. She has taken on roles that require her to portray challenging characters for her, either in age or nature, and aced them nonetheless.



In Zungu’s previous role-playing Mpho in Umbuso, she was the victim of a murder at her son’s hands. The actress got to play a ghost that terrorized her son and still gave a top-notch performance that testified to the talent the actress holds. Her role was that of a woman married to a man who could not give her kids, and she found another way to get children through his friend.

Zinzi Zungu is a teacher at Star Quality Arts College.
With all that talent, one would assume that Zinzi is only good at acting, and that is the only thing she does to earn a living. However, that is not the case, as she is passionate about helping the underdog and showing youngsters the ropes on how to make it as actors. With that thought in mind, Zinzi started Star Quality management with Miranda Ntshangase.

Zinzi Zungu
Zinzi Zungu-Image Source(Instagram/Zinzi Zungu)

As the business grew, the two talented women realized that managing and representing talent was not enough. With this thought in mind, they branched out and started the Star Quality Perfoming Arts College, where she is both director and co-founder. She uses the platform to share with young talent what she has learned as she grows as an actress. The school is growing with each day, and her job as a lecturer teaching drama and arts is bearing fruits that can be seen.

Zungu joins the list of actresses making it as teachers when they are off-screen, and this list includes Nombulelo Mhlongo, Candice Modiselle and many others. Some give back to society through financial help, but some celebrities offer their services and know-how.