Gomora is a South African television drama series produced by Seriti Films. The series is filmed in the Alexandra township, hence the name of the series It is an M-Net original production commissioned for M-Net’s local interest channel Mzansi Magic.
The drama series replaces Isthembiso, which hasn’t been renewed for a fourth season.
The series tells a story of two families in two different lifestyles and how their lives intertwine by a tragedy
Monday 4 July 2022
Episode 51
-Thathi does not want to collaborate with Mam Sonto.
-Pretty turn down offer of Abdul after he offered to her to overseas.Do you think she might change her mind?
-Ntokozo finds out that Qhoqhoqho might have other sinister plans.
Tuesday 5 July 2022
Episode 52
-Nobody knows where is Sonto after she walked out on Thathi.
-Pretty gets a tape of herself singing and she starts crying because it opens old wounds.
-Gugu gets warning from Sizwe to stay away from Ntokozo.
Wednesday 6 July 2022
Episode 53
-A serious fight between Thathi and Mazet has began.
-Sonto is on a mission to kill Qhoqhoqhoby herself.Will she do that?
-Miss Madikizela get back her old mate in her place and that mate is Bongani.
Thursday 7 July 2022
Episode 54
-Abdul get played by Pretty as she does the unspeakable.
-Ex wife’s counter of Bongani acts his master plan.
-Ntokozo gets some injuries from sharp blade.
Friday 8 July 2022
Episode 55
-Mr Labello is free man after being bailed out
-Ntokozo almost lost his life.
-Pretty decide to confess about kissing her ex.
Do you think Ntokozo will survive the wounds?
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