The Wife is a drama series currently airing on Showmax, an adaptation of a popular book by Dudu Busani-Dube. It follows three powerful women and the men who adore them. The cast has consisted of vibrant Zulu men who people have been fawning over ever since the show began.
A recent video has reversed this effect immensely.
The post came onto the timeline under a tweet about the actors who play the Zulu brothers being “bad vibes”. The person who posted likely wanted to make a statement it was made, quite evidently, once people saw it. The effect was a cringe fest as people declared themselves to be put off by the whole thing.
The video shows Kwenzo, Bonko, Abdul and SK amongst others, repeating the phrase, “Do you know me”. It starts with just talking and quickly becomes a louder chant and jumping and… well I don’t blame everyone for having one eyebrow quirked at the behaviour. It was odd and slightly arrogant.
Social Media Response
People were NOT feeling the men at all and their behaviour only made people feel cringey.
One user wrote “This couldn’t even be more corny if they were eating corn in a maize field whilst shooting this cringefest. 💔”
While another user wrote, “Lmaoooo I have second hand embarrassment 😭✋🏾”
A final user wrote, “I cringed watching this but I know these fellas are just doing this for SK… They tryna dumb down the situation so that he can laugh and feel a lil better”
I can understand why people feel the way they do about this video. It displays a side that can be misconstrued as cocky. We have no idea what the intention behind it was, maybe they were just having fun but it was just a little too much for me.