Today’s Update On The Senzo Meyiwa Trial; Advocate Teffo And Judge’s Drama In Court

During the court proceedings on the Senzo Meyiwa Murder Trial, Advocate Zandile Mshololo read a letter from the South Gauteng Director of Public Prosecutions where the existence of the second docket (docket 375) is confirmed.





However, the letter states that this docket which implicates singer Kelly Khumalo, her sister Zandile, and five other people has no merit, because it is merely based on the opinion of a junior state advocate hence the Nation Prosecuting Authority did not pursue it for trial.

If that is bad enough, things started to heat up between Advocate Dan Teffo Malesela and Judge Tshifhiwa Maumela as the advocate argued why the trial can not be postponed yet again after it has been dragged on for 8 years.

After complaining that he feels like the court does not recognize him and was ready to address the court, the judge told Advocate Teffo to wait for Advocate Mshololo to make her application for the trial postponement.

When his turn came to address the court, and argue against the state’s submission that the second docket has no merit, Judge Maumela told Teffo that he can only address him on this argument after a formal application has been made to the court.

While trying to explain why he is against the admission of the DPP letters as exhibits C1 and C2, Judge Maumela ordered Teffo to sit down if he is not responding on dates and accused him of undermining him in the court.

In response, Teffo told the judge that he is not fighting with him, with the judge responded that he is also not fighting. Thereafter, Teffo asked him to withdraw the word fight, which he considered to be a wrong choice of word, but Judge Maumela refused, coting that he is not the one that came up with the word.