Dumi Mkokstad Celebrates Third Anniversary With Dr Ziphosenkosi

Gospel Singer Dumi Mkokstad Opens Up About His Marriage

Dumi Mkokstad speaks openly about his marriage and the highs and lows he faced in the past three years.

Love is suppose to be beautiful and filled with joy, when one finds the one they love they make sure to elope with that special person. It would be a lie to turn a blind eye to the difficulties married people often face, it’s not always roses like like romantic novels make it seem. The highs and lows of marriage have caused some couples to call it quit, whilst some fought tooth and nail for their marriage.

Gospel singer Dumi Mkokstad opened up about his marriage, the singer spoke about the love he has for his wife. In a special love letter to his wife, posted on his Facebook page, Dumi expresses his love to Dr Ziphozenkosi.The singer and the Doctor tied the knot on June 5th 2019, yesterday it marked exactly three years as husband and wife. As he celebrates their three year anniversary, Dumi couldn’t help but give all praise to the lord. As much as he emphasized on the highs of his marriage he did remind his wife that they will make mistake and learn from them.

The Ukuhlale Kuye singer showed how much he is deeply in love with his wife when he revealed that a day away from his wife feels like 10 years. He went on to say how much he loves and appreciate his wife.






Continuously GOD continues to show me how much He loves me.

It’s been 3 years of UPS and ……… UPS!!!

If the Devil doesn’t fight Gods plan and purpose for your life ….one has got to Ask themselves if it is really of the Lord.

Dr Ziphozenkosi’s I cannot ever say I didn’t think we’d be here today….. because our hope is in the Lord.

We learn together everyday, make kid like mistakes together because that is who we are in marriage…. 3 year old kids.

Growing in Christ, Love and in life with you has been nothing short of amazing 😻 😻 shukela wami.

Thank you sthandwa sam for a great 3 Years…. It still feels like it was just last month that we said our “I DOs”

It’s crazy that namanje a day away from you feels like a decade. I am still madly madly in love with you …

Here’s to Life (Christ) 🥂

Here’s to Truth (Christ)

Here’s to way, a purposeful life (Christ)