Sithelo gets dragged for posting pictures on a car. Check who owns the car

Sithelo gets dragged on Twitter for pretending to be the owner of the vehicle after taking pictures on it. People from Twitter are saying she is trying to flex with Mamkhize’s money and that was the wrong part that she was found with. It is difficult to let go of the soft lifestyle and downgrade to the lowest lifestyle possible.





She has to also stay true to herself because people from social media will be looking at her all the time. It is well known about what happened to her. She is now only related to the family because she is having a child with Andile, but it does not have to go above co-parenting. Otherwise, it would be a huge problem because Andile Mpisane has started a new life with a new baby and wife.


Yesterday, Mamkhize posted pictures with baby Flo having a good time with her grandmother. As she will be moving on, some people will still take it back to their time when she was with Andile and it is people who are on Twitter. They don’t tend to forget and they will just continue bashing you just for their satisfaction.


She can’t be enjoying the same lifestyle as she was when she was with Andile and everyone knows it. But the one thing that they keep on doing is having to flex all the time on social media. With Tamia Mpisane, she does not seem to be having a lot of time flexing on social media lately. Every person has their own past, but it is not known for sure if people will stop talking about it in the present of life.


Being on the social streets is not nice at some point and to avoid it, you should stay away from it. In that way, you will not have a problem with it and no one will bother you. Because sometimes people will post more than they should and as a person, their things can’t be posted on social media. Social media is powerful and it must be used properly.