“Tonight On #House Of Zwide: Keletso Wins The Talent Show “

Tonight its celebrations at the Molapo house after all the hard work that Keletso has put. Tonight she will be awarded as the winner. All her hard work and determination will finally pay off tonight. She realy wanted this with all her heart. As she wanted to prove to her family that is is a winner as well.


Keletso has been feeling like her parents do not notice her enough. As everytime they talk about her sister Ona. Tonight it’s her night to shine and she will be the talk of the town.

She made it because of uncle Molefe. The love,support and encouragement he gave Keletso really helped her. His relationship with Keletso is just too priceless. He understands Keletso more than her parents. He was there for her and motivating her all the way. Keletso made it today because of him. He really deserves a round of applause as well.

This educates parents how important it is to treat children equally. Always celebrating one child over the other can do more harm than good. Some children end up feeling they are not good enough because parents are always talking about the other one. Children should be treated equally regardless of their differences. The fact that one child performs better than the other is not reason enough to treat them differently. They should all be encouraged and celebrated than preferring and celebrating one over the other. As this kills the self esteem of the child that feels unflavored.