It is true that Dintle’s child, Motshabi, has grown up to be a troubled some kid. When Mo went to Izigigaba to talk about her parents and confronted Dintle that she is her mother, she got rejected. Dintle was in denial and couldn’t believe it. She called Erin to ask about Motshabi’s whereabouts and she told her that Motshabi was in boarding school.
Mo ran away because she was rejected. She started to use drugs. People were worried about her. She went back to the commune to fetch her stuff and her housemates told her that she should not go because they believe that she is really Dintle’s child. Motshabi posted a picture of her and Erin on her social media page and that is the prove peope needed to know that it is really Motshabi.
Even Dintle’s aunt confirmed it that Mo looks like Dintle. Dintle will now have to mend her relationship with her daughter.