Shawn Mkhize, professionally known as Mam’Mkhize, is a South African businesswoman, entrepreneur, philanthropist, television personality, and socialite. She is known for her Mzansi Magic reality television series. It has been months since the marriage battle between the two ex-lovers, Somizi Mhlongo and her ex-husband Mohale.
In the previous episode of Living The Dream with Somizi, Somizi Mhlongo called Shawn Mkhize to advise him on getting a good divorce lawyer who would help him finalize his messy divorce with his ex-husband.
After Somizi told Shawn that his ex-husband was demanding half estates, Shawn called Mohale a con artist for making such a huge demand when he came to the marriage with nothing to his name. He said all this in a statement that reads as follows: “he is crazy for making such demands. Are we supposed to work so hard to give people half of our sweat and blood?
Below are some of the comments that were made by South African citizens on Twitter.
Somizi is not okay. A customary marriage is automatically regarded as a marriage in the community of property. Immediately the lobola is paid, then it’s done. He wants to use his financial muscles to bully his estranged husband, but if it was a man against a woman, all the idiots would be against him. Besides that, he was warned about that boy, and he told people to mind their own business, but now he wants the same people to leave their businesses unattended to listen to him cry.
At this point, Somizi is using his power to invalidate his ex-husband. If they are married in a community of property, Mohale is entitled to that, legally speaking. Also, what was he expecting when he married someone who hadn’t yet established their career or brand? He knew very well that Mohale was a student when he met him. He was a fan. He didn’t have millions sitting around waiting to be married to Somizi. Some knew from the beginning that this was just a young adult trying to figure out life on their own.