While Zimbabweans want to ‘Dudula’ Connie Ferguson, here is what Connie Ferguson have done in Zim

While Zimbabweans want to ‘Dudula’ Connie Ferguson, here is what Connie Ferguson have done in Zim Connie Ferguson arrived in Zimbabwe yesterday in the afternoon. Her visit is described as a very big opportunity for local creatives to draw lessons and inspiration from successful Zimbabwean women.

Minister Mutvangwa said that they are very happy to finally host a successful entrepreneur in Zimbabwe. As they want to enhance the quality of Zimbabwean programming, Connie Ferguson’s visit in Zimbabwe has coincided with the drive to liberalise the Zimbabwean airwaves.

Yesterday, a Zimbabwean social media follower, posted on social media, that they want to ‘Dudula’ Connie Ferguson, just as South Africans killed Elvis Nyathi. Social media critics reacted differently on social media. Some said Zimbabweans are peaceful, and they will never do anything on Connie Ferguson.

Today, it’s reported that Connie Ferguson said that she is ready to work with local creatives. This is good news for local Zimbabwean creatives.

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