“Tonight On #Muvhango: Things Get worse Between James And Imani “

“Tonight On #Muvhango: Things Get worse Between James And Imani “Things between James and Imani seems to be getting worse. There is no peace between the couple. Itseng is really determined to make Imani’s life hell. James on the other hand is just being a selfish and stubborn husband. He expects Imani to raise his child but on the other hand he does not want to be near Imani’s child.

When did James become so selfish. He is really hurting Imani. It seems like Itseng is just causing more problems. James And Imani will never have peace until Itseng move out. Lesedi is just like his father James they are both stubborn and spoilt. James does not even appreciate Imani for everything she does for his son. The child can’t be reprimanded either because he is spoilt.

For me I feel sorry for Imani because for everything she is doing for Lesedi she is not appreciated. Lesedi is just a spoilt child if I was Imani I wouldn’t settle to be treated like that. She has a soft heart and they are just taking advantage of that.