We were out here worried about Eunice and the girl is in Durban

Eunice went missing the day after the party. Koloi, Emkay and Kenny woke up in her flat wearing her things and they were worried when they didn’t see her. Koloi locked the flat and took the keys to Pretty, her best friend, but she did not want them because she was still angry at Eunice. The following day, Koloi went to Pretty’s house to ask if they have heard anything from her and that is when they got worried. Pretty suspected Lehasa for kidnapping Eunice and they went to tell Captain Malebana. Malebana called Peterson to keep him hp to speed about what happened and he took Lehasa in for questioning about Eunice’s whereabouts. Lehasa did not know anything. His lawyer came with a photo of Eunice enjoying her life in Durban with her dad. Lehasa started to become suspicious of the money that Eunice is spending. He called an IT g