Uncle Waffles has been making headlines after a video of her performing went viral on social media. This was quickly followed by a lot of gigs as she went on to perform with her signature song by Young Stunna titled Adiwele. International artists have also jumped into the bandwagon to celebrate her talent this includes the biggest hip hop artist of the decade Drake. Join us as we unpack more of the story below.
A social media post of her old picture as a kid surfaced on Facebook and was later on shared on Twitter. The post alleged that Uncle Waffles is transgender, meaning that she altered with her sexuality and was once a man. It has been known that the negative stuff always outweighs the positive stuff on the socials. This time around the 21 year old Dj happens to be caught under the fire of judgement and cyber bullying.
Her response to the matter
She indicated that she does not have to prove her gender to anyone, especially strangers that are just looking for clout. On a post that has now been deleted, it claimed that Uncle Waffles is not a female. She futher stated she’d proud of the trans community and that people must not get over familiar with her just because she’s a public figure.
Reaction on Twitter
I’m glad that people are not reacting to these rumors in a negative way. I mean she’s only 21 and now they are trying by all means to subject her to the trauma of cyber bullying. orientation based on an old picture and how her
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