Gomora is a South African television drama series produced by Seriti Films, and is currently on it is on its second season. It is an M-Net original production, and plays on Mzansi Magic. The drama series replaced Isthembiso, after it ended.
The show still has all of the top actors it started with. Viewers would not have imagined that one of the top, and most talented actors on the show will soon be leaving. This comes after disagreements with producers.
According to Sundayworld, Zolisa Xaluva who is regarded to as one of the South African most talented, and humble actors, will be leaving Gomora, due to differences with producers. He is hardly on the spotlight, or hardly seen on the social streets. Not most people know much about him and what he does in his personal life, or outside Gomora. People are not even sure if he is married or not in reality.
They have come to love and hate his character on the show. He started off as a principal who had a perfect family, perfect job and perfect life. He has however turned to be something else, and divorced his wife, and killed his side chick’s husband.