“Tonight Hlengiwe Declares Her Undying Love For Amo, Will Amo Fall For Hlengiwe Desperate Lies?

It is true when they say desperate times calls for desperate measures. This means that actions that might have been rejected under other circumstances may become the best choice. After Hlengiwe has rejected Amo and chose Nyasha now it seems like she has no choice but to choose him. On tonight’s episode Hlengiwe declares her undying love to Amo. The question is will Amo believe her?.


This seems to be the only way out for Hlengiwe. By telling him that she loves him and promising him a future and a family he might believe her and fall for her lies. And that might be her way out of all of this mess.

For me I think this is the only thing that Hlengiwe should do because her life and Nyasha’s life are in danger. In doing so she might be free and ultimately beat Amo at his own game. She will be able to get him arrested without him even noticing.

People on social media say in this situation at the end one will die. Some say people like Amo do not deserve public space. He should just end up in jail. Some say Hlengiwe should tell Amo all the lies he needs to hear so that he sets her free.