Amapiano artist and hit maker of Umsebenzi wethu has recently went to social media to share her latest win. This comes after a long legal process that took place in attempt to drop her management under the name Managed X Thabiso (Pty) Ltd. She has been complaining about how awful they’ve been treating her which resulted into loss of income. Yesterday a statement was released on Instagram to indicate that her contract with them has been finally terminated. Join us as we unpack more of the story below.
Part of the statement indicated that she is grateful for her family, friends and supporters that have been holding it down for her during this difficult time. Just a couple of weeks ago she shared a video of her walking around a warehouse which shows that she does not only thrive in the studio but also in business. We have attached the statement below for you to go through it.
What really happened?
According to a thread of tweets, the management was blocking her from getting gigs and telling people that “she is not available for bookings”. What are your thoughts about how artists are treated by such agencies? Let’s keep the conversation going on the comments section below and remember to follow us for more informative articles like this one published daily.