People express how they feel about Nonku, Jojo and Londie

Sometimes being part of a reality show like the Real housewives can expose someone’s true colours. Some people act like they are kind on social media while they are really rude.

The Real Housewives of Durban is a reality show following the lives of seven housewives. It is obviously filled with drama and gossip but most it is also entertaining.

tweeps have been expressing how they feel about the characters eslecially Nonku, Jojo and Londie. A tweep said “Again, Nonku remains the star of the show. I’m noticing that Jojo is pretty rude but hides behind the funny girl vibe. Also, Nonku made valid points but because it’s her people see drama. I still don’t get Londie’s storyline. Annie needs peace. #RHODurban”


Another tweep said “Can we all agree that Londie have zero content #RHODurban” While another one said “JoJo isn’t a nice person at all. Condescending comments to Londie and being disruptive in the Zulu class. She is really uppity and rude #RHODurban”

I’m not surprised that this is how people are feeling about these housewives. Londie really doesn’t have that much to show and I think she should’ve moved everyone to one hotel or lodge instead of having two groups and having them be 45 minutes apart. The trip was already awkward she didn’t have to add.

Jojo on the other hand really showed her true colours after mentioning that Londie just isn’t that famous because she couldn’t pull some strings to get all the girls in one hotel. She usually hides her rudeness behind jokes and I think that’s very ‘high school mean girl’ of her. I also agree that Annie just needs peace not all this drama that’s surrounding her. Another part of me feels like Londie booked two separate lodges on purpose just to show her favourites and to be separate from the other ladies. If she really wanted them together I think she could’ve pulled some strings.