Sindi Dlathu is one of the most loved celebrities and actresses in South Africa and there is no dobut about that.
She has been in the entertainment and also acting industry for more than 20 years now and she is still going very strong.
A lot of people know her from the telenovela called Muvhango and she played the role of Nomthandazo for 20 years now.
She then left the telenovela called muvhango to go join and be a lead at the telenovela called The river and she has won many awards for her onscreen role as Lindiwe.
A lot of people don’t know this but she Is a great singer as well and the song that plays on the river when it plays its her that’s singing.
On the latest episodes of the river which is season five, it showed Sindi wearing a green dress and fans noticed something on it.
It is allegedly said that she is pregnant.
See below what she said.