Pearl Thusi was surprised after it was revealed on social media that President Ramaphosa is having a son. It was after Karabo on Twitter shared two pictures of Andile Mpisanae and Andile Ramaphosa, who have a similarity of living a soft lifestyle. It took other people who did not know about him by a surprise, like Pearl.
Andile Ramaphosa is not on social media and that is why other people do not know about him, even though he is the son of President Ramaphosa. Karabo tweets that they both get what they want because they have parents who are financially well resourced and they only ask their parents for it. One asks his mother, while Andile Ramaphosa asks his father.
When it comes to Andile Mpisanae, he is seen around the country having a good time, from football to being an artist. They are not objecting to his many ways of hustling and when it comes to Andile Ramaphosa, it is leaked to the media that he is associated with government business and the public domain says he did not get the business opportunity accordingly.
When you have parents who have a good financial background, you as their child would grow without struggling and also have a start-up on what you want to do after or before studying in the future. But what other South Africans are not happy with is when a government official gives their children a government business opportunity and later on is reported that it was awarded unfairly.
Maybe staying away from a business opportunity like a tender from the government will work better and start doing something that does not involve political influence like a tender. DBN Gogo is not in the government sector and she is focusing on being an Amapiano DJ, and she is doing well for herself. She is not being reported to have benefited unfairly from the government.
If your parent has a huge position in government, you don’t have to gain financial freedom through favours while other people are going through the proper channels. Government corruption has been happening for a long time in South Africa.