Riky Rick was a true legend who lived to inspire young people with everything he has. He knew that people who have made it in life especially celebrities were becoming selfish in giving advice and example to those who wanted to become like them one day. From being into the fashion industry, entertainment, a songwriter, and a singer, Riky was our south African 2pac indeed.
Rasta is a South African painter specializing in art, his Content is mainly based on celebrities who passed away, he draws them in appreciation of them as well as paying his last respect. Rasta has proven so many times that he is not yet that professional when comes to his drawings, some people think that he does it on purpose seeing that some of the artists can draw them perfectly.
Yesterday as Riky was being laid to rest, Rasta rocked up into Riky’s ceremony with his picture. In that picture, many people noticed at he had drawn Sizwe Dlomo and not Riky Rick. At that moment, many fans were left disrespected and angry at the same time as they felt Riky didn’t deserve to be honored like that. As a true legend that he was, he is supposed to be remembered with good things only and people ought to do right by him as he did the same thing by people.
I think Rasta needs serious practice when comes to his drawings as he is not only derailing his name down but also for the ones that passed away. Whoever manages him must make sure he gets proper training before making his paintings or drawings public. Again, there should be someone who watches over him when he draws celebrities who passed away to make sure the people he thinks he had drawn matches the profile of those people .