Housemates are treated to nice dresses music, song and dance in Bigie’s house. Nice Red dresses

The housemates have been treated another beautiful day and evening courtesy of Big Brother. The ladies wore beautiful red dresses while the gents wore suits.





They then headed to the arena which had been prepared as a beautiful formal dinner venue. In there they enjoyed nice music, song and dance.

Being in Bigie’s house is quite a treat, and there is never a dull moment. Housemates always have interesting activities they take part in.

Tonight the housemates will be having a Saturday night party being treated to nice tunes by one of Mzansi’s talented Djs.

It was wonderful for Bigie’s to pamper housemates on Saturday because for many that is their last night in the house and the show.

Sundays brings misery and relief to housemates. Others get saved by the votes from their fans, while others are asked to leave. So, far five housemates have said goodbye to the house.