Muvhango: Susan plans will end in tears after discovering that she uses Mithi on Azwindini

Currently, Susan is using Muthi on Azwindini because she does not want to lose him, remember Azwindini want to divorse Susan because of Gugu, so now Gugu and Imani ask themselves why Azwindini suddenly change, they start to believe that there is something that Susan did on Azwindini.



Now Susan wants her own house and Azwindini’s mother does not agree with him, reason for Susan to demand her own house is because she knew that Azwindini loves Gugu and if she does not take any action she will end up on the street because Azwindini does not want her anymore, he chooses Gugu over her.

Unfortunately Susan’s will never succeed because they will find her right handed and things will start to be hard for her, and Azwindini will not be able to build her a house as he promised to build her, Gugu will win Azwindini back.

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