Caster Semenya, the well-known female runner who races like no one’s business and has won numerous medals and trophies along the way, has had to fight her way to the top while growing up and getting to where she is now. Many people assumed she was a man because of her running style and believed she was competing in the wrong gender race.decide if she was a girl or not, he would undergo a series of tests and examinations, but the reality is that she was always a girl. Even though her body and all of her physical attributes were built with masculine strength in mind, she is still and will always be feminine.
Since her 2015 wedding to Violet Raseboya, several of their wedding photos have been making the rounds on social media platforms like Twitter.”
Few people on Twitter liked what they saw as they were dancing together, so they started making snide remarks about it. Here’s what Caster had to say about it, if you want to see his perspective.
As a result of her dressing like a boy, she received a lot of attention from strangers. Twitter users have urged her to come out and announce she’s a guy because of this.
Twitter users who noticed the image and wished to convey their feelings and ideas left the following screenshots.