The Movie “Woman King” is an upcoming American historical epic film written by Dana Stevens and directed by Gina Prince-Blythewood. It stars Viola Davis. The film is scheduled to be released by Sony Pictures this year on September 16, 2022.
Zinzi is former Miss South Africa and miss Universe 2019. She never acted before, this will be her first movie role, it might be the beginning of her new career.
Zinzi said “It is a completely new world and first time experience for me so I enter it with the utmost respect and humility. Forever grateful and looking forward”.
Zozibini wrote on Twitter : “I am so honored and excited to announce that I have been cast for the film, The Woman King”
Zinzi will join other South African faces who have signed the movie. The faces are Masali Baduza, Seputla Sebogodi, Thando Dlomo and Makgotso Monyemorathoe. Also the Grammy Award-winner Lebo M created five songs for the movie.