Kenny Kunene Reveals More Unexpected Secrets Of Julius Malema That left The Country

The people of South Africa have been wondering and thinking about what could have happened between Julius Malema and Kenny Kunene. This is because the two were best buddies that used to complement each other and the country used to admire them.

This is because they used to act like their two babies that were born from the same mother and this was judged based on how they behaved. Even though fights can be something that separates people but those two always find a way to beat out the problem.

The country today is here to witness that Kenny Kunene is now busy calling Julius Malema a frog and cockroach after Malema failed to do a good favor for Kenny. This is because Kenny Kunene has revealed a shocking secret about Julius Malema that people don’t know of.



This is because he revealed that Julius Malema is not the person that people think carefully of him. This is because Malema is capable of using people and then dropping them at the edge of their problems. This is because the country today was shocked when Kenny Kunene revealed that Julius Malema’s trip to Cape Town and the one that happened one year ago to London was paid for by the lockdown whistleblower.

It is believed that the lockdown whistleblower Rob Herson has been making favor for Julius Malema to have luxurious trips to London and this was revealed by Kenny Kunene. It is never easy to trust someone that once had your back and this is something that always surprises people. This is because people trust a lot and this has to be minimized at its best. It.