Meet Mnini Mseleku from Uthando Nesthembu beautiful pictures in real life

Musa Mseleku is a 46 years old successful businessman and famous almost all over South Africa. Musa became popular after his reality show Uthando Nesthembu that’s airs every Thursday during late time. He have four beautiful wifes and 10 childrens.

Musa Mseleku was born in Kwa Zulu Natal, eMzumbe. He attended Denver Zoar Mission and later Prince Ngamizizwe School. Musa at higher education he attended University of Kwa Zulu Natal and graduated in 1997.



He started to be a journalist for Durban Youth Radio. List of his wifes MaCele is Musa Mseleku first wife, MaYeni is his second wife, MaKhumalo who’s full names is Thobile Khumalo- Mseleku and lastly which is forth wife Mbali MaNgwabe- Mseleku. Musa have two childrens who are not from his Isithembu it’s Snenhlanhla elder daughter and Mpilonhle.

Mnini Mseleku is Musa Mseleku’s clever boy who’s at the age of 5-6 years old. Mnini have became Uthando Nesthembu favorites. His intelligence skills is amazing. Check out Mnini Mseleku greats pictures.