Meet Sjava’s beautiful wife Queen Sdudla amazing pictures in her real life

Jabulani Hadebe who’s broadly referred to as Sjava is considered as one of the incomparable Mzansi craftsman. He’s likewise a fruitful entertainer, he started his acting vocation in 2005, featuring in a few show series and movies including uGugu no Andile (2009).

Sjava was brought into the world in Bergville, Kwa Zulu Natal area. Starting at 2021 he’s 38 years of age as he was brought into the world on 2 December 1983.




Sjava’s mom is Thandi Nkabinde who’s we seen in severals of Sjava’s music video as of late one Umama his devotion melody to her. Sjava began his music profession at an early age composing melodies for Abafana baseMpumalanga. His first profession collection Isinavuma was fruitful. On 8 April 2016, he delivered his introduction single as an independent craftsman, “Ekuseni. Umphako and Umqhele both of his collections were fruitful. Following takeoff with Ambitiouz Entertainment, Sjava self endorsed to his record bargain 1020 Cartel.

Investigate Sjava’s wonderful spouse Queen Sdudla astounding pictures. She looks dazzling.