The famous polygamist, Musa Mseleku has his house in dispute a lot lately and it is quite clear that division is already in.
As we watch the show, Uthando Nesthembu, we see now that drama always prevail on that show. Mseleku’s wives always have drama revolving around them. In the past weeks, all attention was on MaKhumulo and her inability to have kids. That led to Mseleku in taking her sister so that she can bear kids for him and that did not sit well with MaKhumulo.
However, now the attention is on MaNgwabe and MaCele who seem not to be on good terms.
On Thursday’s episode, we saw Musa being caught in the middle between these two wives.
Musa’s first wife, MaCele, raised the issue that MaNgwabe was recently greeted by her children, but her children were ignored by MaNgwabe who failed to greet them back.
“There’s something that Mbali did that annoyed me. My children greeted her and she didn’t greet them back,” said MaCele.
Determined to get to the bottom of the issue , Mseleku dashed off to MaNgwabe’s home where he related what MaCele had told him.
However, when MaNgwabe was confronted by this, she was very shocked as she said that she will never ignore someone who greeted her, so this meant she really did not hear them.
“I don’t think I will keep quite when someone greets me,”she said.
Viewers were annoyed that MaCele had to take this issue to Mseleku, instead of raising the issue direct with MaNgwabe. They said that is why there could never be unity in this house as the wives do not want to handle the matters together as women and comes up with solutions instead of rushing to involve Mseleku.
The episodes shown in the show this season really reveals a huge drift within the wives. Even themselves alone they do not get along well. We saw that when they spend time together and giving each other gifts, there’s this the other wife who was left alone.
Another issue was that she excluded the kids of her sister wife by not picking them from the school.
All in all, tension in this house is very rife.