Dr Mbali from Durban Gen and Khanyo from Imbewu beautiful pictures together in real life

Nelisiwe Sibiya is a South African actress, poet and artist. Her best role on Durban Gen as Dr Mbali Mthethwa the confused doctor when it comes to love. She was born in Johannesburg as of 2021 she’s 29 years of age. Nelisiwe said she started her music career at an early age of 8 years. Some of Mzansi fans doesn’t know more about her music career her most famous song “Mama ka Bafana”.



When we talking about best South African tv channel without a doubt ETV takes the trophy everything is perfect. The channel have Mzansi’s hot and fans favorite drama series such as Imbewu, Scandal, Durban Gen and House of Zwide’s. Imbewu is a drama series that plays during late times of the day on 09:30 pm during weekdays.

Check out this beautiful pictures of Durban Gen and Imbewu actresses Dr Mbali and Khanyo Bhengu from Imbewu see their amazing pictures together.