Pictures: Inside Pearl Modiadia son birthday party

Radio and television presenter Pearl Modiadie celebrated her son’s birthday in style as we take you inside the birthday celebration in pictures.






The baby’s name is, Olivier Lewatle, turned one-year-old and they planned a big party for him. The television and radio presenter according to reffley media publication shared some pictures of her baby’s party.

Some of those that were in attendance where, radio presenter Thomas Msengana, celebrity chef Lorna Maseko and singer Denise Zimba.

The media personality also shared the video where she finally showed the baby’s face and thank everyone who helped plan the party.

“No words, I’m happy. We are so grateful for you. My family and community I grew up in May this very special day wholesome. It truly takes a village to raise a child and today my little village came through for me in a big way,” she said.

“My sisters Dambuza and Tebo did the decor and intertaiment. My uncle did the slaughtering, dad spoke to the ancestors, my friend Nombuso took on the role of photographer and learning, cousins and pants took care of catering and umqombothi, a family friend birthday birthday cake and presents brought the kids out to celebrate Lewatle with baby daddy and I, just perfect! Happy birthday my angel.” as Pearl thanked everyone.

This was a very big party according to the way that you can say by the pictures, all the activities that have been happening according to the way that she mentions each and everything that happened with the uncles, and cousins, sisters, it was indeed a very big party for a little angel.

We wish you all the best of luck in life as you continue to grow up and become what you are channeled to be when you grow up.