Zuma’s baby mama left tongues wagging with her recent pictures

Nonkanyiso Conco of Lanconco naturals might have rose to fame when she dated former president Jacob Zuma, but she has proven to us that she is more than just Zuma’s baby mama. Conco who is now famous for casting Real House Wives of Durban, is a 27 year old businesswoman who is a proud mother of one son Sakh’muzi Zuma.





The Zuma scandal got people looking at her as a goldigger, but now she is in business, paving her way to the top the right way. She is also a presenter and has worked for various radio stations including Vuma Fm. Conco is a rising star and a billionaire in the making. Her current net worth is estimated to be $300,000.

She recently posted some pictures on Facebook. Conco was wearing a beautiful stylish black dress looking beautiful as always. Her fans also noticed that she beautifully shed off some weight. “You look nice, you’ve lost weight so fast and good”.