Nonka From Uzalo Looks More Beautiful In These Photos

Ladies and gentlemen, I hope you are all well. Thank you very much for deciding to open this article, I hope you will enjoy reading. Today I decided to write about Thuthuka Mthembu after seeing how beautiful she looks in real life.

Thuthuka Mthembu is one of the most beautiful young South African actresses, most of you know her as Nonkanyiso from Uzalo. She joined Uzalo in 2016 and has now became one of the most loved members of Uzalo. I’m sure there are people who actually watch Uzalo just to see her.










At first, I thought she was just another actress but as her character grew, I started seeing her as a valuable member of Uzalo. Maybe it’s not just her acting that got me interested on her, I think her beauty is partly the reason why I enjoy seeing her on TV.

“Nonka from Uzalo looks more beautiful in these photos”, I think It would be very wrong of me to talk about how beautiful she is and not show you her pictures. Here are five pictures from Thuthuka Mthembu’s Twitter account:

Picture 1

Picture 2