Generations Actress Exposed For Being Broke And Owing A Number Of Bolt Drivers

The standard of living in the country is quite high, and many people who have been used to living comfortable lives are now forced to change that. Due to the pandemic life is no longer the same, we were forced to change how we spend money.





People living above what they can afford always leads to money trouble. The same way a number of Bolt drivers were parked in front of Layota Makhene’s house who is well known for playing the role of Tshidi on Generations the legacy.

As seen in the video a number of Randfontein Bolt driver parked their cars in front of her house that is not very fancy, demanding to be paid all the money for the service provided. She apparently owes the drivers above R5000,she allegedly also have not paid her maid. Some people went to expose her on social media for not paying back the money she owes, it was also reported that she left a restaurant with her partner without paying.When the Bolt driver stood infront of the gate demanding her appearance and their money, one of the kids were sent out to inform that she was not home.

Living above your means can never be good, alot of South African artists are struggling now financially because of this pandemic, spending money wisely should be first priority.