The Legend Steve Kekana Has Passed Away

News just broke now that the legendary singer Steve Kekana has passed away, Steve kekana was born on the 4th of August 1958 in Transvaal, he died at the age of 63 he was a South African singer and song writer, he was famously known by his song ” take your love and leave me, I don’t need it anymore’ , it was reported that he lost his eye sight at the age of 5, but that did not stove him from furthering the dreams of his love of music.

For so many years he gave us the classical music despite his condition, he was blind but kept on producing great music that we all still relate today, he natured his love for music at a very tender age up until his last days in this world, the cause of his death has not been confirmed yet, looking at his biography it is said that he attended the school of blind in Pietersburg where he joined the singing group during his teenage years.

Steve Kekana was married to his ex wife by the name of Ntsiki Kekana and later on they got divorced following the reports that his wife was ill treating him and that is how he left his matrimonial home, despite what led to the divorce as we all know that relationships have their own ups and downs, Mr Kekana has grown to make an impact in a lot of people’s lives through his music, his music still hold the same effects, you can relate to every song that he has.

He was not only a musician, He is a University graduate with B Juris and LLB degrees, he is also reported to have been an advocate and a lecture in the labour of law at the University of South Africa.

May His Soul Rest In Peace