Uzalo – Is ‘Mr Oxford Dictionary’ Nyawo now taking South Africans for a ride?

Uzalo is South Africa’s most popular soapie and millions tune into SABC 1 every week night to watch the drama unfolding.

Nyawo is one of the less celebrated cast members of Uzalo but he surely has a way with the Queen’s language – English.

His acting skills are not really up to par with the rest but when he starts speaking in English, even the academics place their books on the table and take notice.

Nyawo broke the internet this past week when he ambushed captain Mondli and Lilly at the police station demanding to know why he was thrust out in the cold on an investigation.

Mondli and Lilly did an operation to nail down Nkunzi and Nyawo was kept out of the loop. This angered him and he decided to make his thoughts heard.

As usual, he used deep English grammar to express himself. He took it to a whole new level when he said the word – hononficabi something something –

What shocked South Africans is that they had never ever heard of the world.

Many took screenshots and scrambled for their dictionaries to look for the word. Many expressed their displeasure on social media saying they had failed to dig up the word.

Has Nyawo taken it a bit too far?