King Mswati grabs a woman from her man and makes her a wife and build her a multi million house

According to the publication, Nonomphile Ndlovu, whom according to the publication was working as a police officer unde the Royal Close Protection Unit (CPU), she has two children with her husband when she developed an intimate relationship with the King, her official marriage was opposed by Queen Mother Ntombi Tfwala on the grounds that she’s already a married woman.
The publication has the picture of the mansion that the King is building for her, however some information can’t be reveled according to the publication at this juncture for ethical reasons.

The government spokesperson Sabelo Dlamini was questioned bit failed to respond at time of publication. In Swaziland about 70% of the population live below the porvety line, while the King is counted as one of the richest Monarchies in the world.

Who was reached for comments, was traditionalist Elliott Mkhatjwa, who said that the King was wrong to abuse his powers and grab another man’s wife not to mention using the tax payers money to build her a house.

Efforts to reach the king’s secret lover, according to the publication proved to be unsuccessful at the time of the publication’s report.